2014年7月 国际注册汉语教师ICLTA正式授权微笑汉语为大连区运营总部
国际汉语教师协会 (简称ICLTA,政府注册号:8197764-0151,美国国务院认证号:12018941-4,中国驻美大使馆认证号:美领认字第0016961号)是中国区唯一经美国国务院签印并由中国驻美国大使馆认证认可的国际专业权威合法认证机构; ICLTA是由美国、中国、加拿大、英国、法国、德国、澳大利亚、新西兰、印度、比利时、日本、新加坡、韩国等120多个国家的学术团体和国际汉语教学权威教育机构组成; ICLTA是全球专门从事对国际汉语教师职(执)业资格认证及对
Details ›06Jul
在2014年8月微笑汉语与韩国汉语教育品牌合作举办“微笑汉语国际夏令营”百人活动。此夏令营的成功举办得到了韩国教育品牌的的高度好评,并签约微笑汉语为韩国教育品牌的夏令营指定合作教育机构。 2014.8 It cooperated with South Korea solution to Chinese education brand to hold a smile Chinese International Summer Camp hundred activities Smile Chinese coop
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2015年1月 荣获大连市人民政府颁发“高校人才见习基地”荣誉
2015年1月微笑汉语荣获大连市人民政府颁发“高校人才见习基地”荣誉,此荣誉说明微笑汉语品牌得到政府的高度认可。每年我们学校吸引了大批高校人才在此实习就业,为大连市的人才就业与人才培养提供了专业的平台。经过多年的市场反馈,经大连市社会保障局与劳动就业中心认可,审核并报大连市人民政府,颁发“高校人才见习基地”荣誉称号。 2015.1 Itawarded the college talent trainee base honor which was issued by Dalian Government Sm
Details ›06Jul
2015年9月 与辽宁师范大学正式签署”汉语国际教育硕士实习基地”
Details ›Business Communication in China
Experiencing Chinese(60~80 class hours) is designed to complete ab...
Details ›Reading Newspaper and Learning Chinese
Reading Newspaper and Learning Chinese is designed for foreigners ...
Our cultural program is specially designed for those who have grea...
Details ›Intermediate course (Accelerate Ⅰ Ⅱ)
This textbook is designed mainly for training ability of verbal ex...
Details ›Advanced Course (Advanced Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ )
This course is designed for the foreign beginners who dont have an...
Details ›Class Content Our Daily Chinese for beginners course is divided in...
Details ›Our Smile Chinese for Teens course includes topics such as greetin...
Details ›Class Content Our Daily Chinese course for advanced level learners...
Details ›Class Content Our advanced Business Chinese course focuses towards...
Details ›This course is designed for the foreign beginners who don’t have any foundation of Chinese. In order to avoid foreign students’
Our Daily Chinese course follows the ACTFL, CEFR and HSK reference level standards and is divided into three phases with 9 levels
Our Business Chinese courses have been specifically developed for foreign business people who are looking to develop and improve
Our Smile Chinese for Young Learners curriculum has been specifically designed for learners aged 3 - 9 years.
This course has been specifically designed for learners with zero-based learning and conducts a comprehensive overview of consonants,
Characters are an essential part of Chinese culture and by learning them you get a deeper understanding of the language and in the long
Our Chinese for Tourism course is specifically designed for students intending to travel to China or improve their Chinese for all aspects of
China's Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK) is the standardized national test used to determine the fluency of non-native speakers in Chinese and is
This is the only official test for non-native speakers’ Business Chinese level, and it was developed by Peking University at the request of